Increased the default pre-round delay from 10 seconds to 30.Reduced friendly fire penalties for commanders.Reduced player movement speed while climbing ladders.

Various tweaks to various weapons’ collision, correcting the distance to walls at which certain weapons ‘lower’.You can change this setting in the gameplay options Now by default, sprinting from prone will no longer return the player back to the prone stance when the player stops sprinting.Made it vastly easier to pick up dropped weapons.Changed the way tiebreakers work on Territory mode – now the team which captures the most points will win in a tiebreaker situation, not the team with more points.General Changes & Updates in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam version 1.01: Version 1.01 of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam contains a host of changes to the game inspired by player feedback, and an extensive list of bug fixes, also brought to the attention of the developers by the game’s committed community. Tripwire Interactive released the first patch for its recently released tactical shooter Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, which has been a critical and commercial success since launching on May 30.